40 Years Experience | Specializing in Santa Clara County

Step 1 | Notice Served

Step 1 : Serve a Notice

 Step 1: Serve a Notice

Eviction Service Center informed me about each step and status. I simply just followed the instructions. Each step run like a clock. We ultimately went to the court trial and won the case.
— S.Z., Client

A notice is prepared and served to your tenant(s). For example, a 3-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit or a 30-Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy.  Read more information about other Types of Notices that can be served.

This is the ideal place to begin a working relationship with our office. We prepare and serve residential, commercial, and COVID-compliant notices for termination of tenancy, breach of contract, and nonpayment of rent. Contact Us for more information.