40 Years Experience | Specializing in Santa Clara County

Post-Eviction Resources

Post-Eviction Resources

San Jose Police, Emergency: (408) 277-8911

San Jose Police, Non-Emergency: (408) 277-8900

Locksmith: Cook’s Lock & Keys, (408) 564-1384
If you need to meet the Sheriff at the property for the lockout, but you don’t know how to get in since your tenants changed the locks, call an on-call locksmith for assistance. We recommend Michael Cook.

Collection Agencies
A selection of companies that we frequently refer our clients to for assistance in attempting to collect a money judgment from their former tenants:

Removal of Tenant’s Belongings

If your tenants vacated but left behind belongings valued at more than $700 in total, then you must go through the public auctioning process to sell their valuables. Do not donate it to a charity; it could get you in trouble.

  • Auctioning Items Valued at More than $700 in Total: US Auctions, Carolee Camacho, (408) 497-0339

  • Storing Items Valued at More than $700 in Total: All Reasons Moving, (408) 486-0663

Bio Hazard Cleanup: Bio Hazard Plus, (866) 936-1112

Junk Removal: Rubbish Works, (800) 501-9324
If your tenants left junk behind that is valued at less than $700 in total, take detailed pictures of the property, then call Rachel at Rubbish Works to assist with disposal.

Car Towing (Operable or Inoperable): Morris & Sons Towing, (408) 995-6900
Did your tenants leave behind an inoperable vehicle? Call Art Amrikhas at to help with your towing needs.

Mold, Asbestos, Fire, Smoke, or Water Damage: ServPro, (408) 858-8820
If your tenants are claiming habitability-related issues, or if they left the property in disrepair, contact Marc for assistance by phone at (408) 858-8820 or email at servpro9732@gmail.com.

–> Contact Us at (408) 288-6074 for more information!