Step 10 : Obtain a Money Judgment
If your case did not go to trial with the attorney, then you have the right to obtain a money judgment against your former tenants. You do NOT need to go to court, and we process the paperwork through court on your behalf. We need a copy of your Itemized Disposition of Security Deposit in order to proceed. If your tenant did not have a security deposit, then we need a signed letter stating that a deposit was never received, so the tenant was not entitled to a disposition of deposit. It takes up to 60 days for the court to approve it.
Once you have obtained this judgment, you can hire a collection agency to attempt to collect it for you (agencies normally do not get paid until they collect, and once they collect they typically get paid half of the amount they collected), or you can obtain an Abstract of Judgment, which requires them to pay you back in full if they buy, sell, or refinance a home in the county you request the abstract in. You can request as many counties as you would like. Our office charges per county to obtain an abstract.
Note: We only obtain money judgments for clients who processed their entire eviction through our office.